It doesn’t get any easier, in fact, it seems to get harder. When 9/11 approaches, I have always made it a point to watch a documentary about the attacks and the heroism exhibited by Americans on that awful day. But this year it seemed even tougher to press “play” on the multiple streaming options I had.
I don’t know what it is. Perhaps it is because I am just more sensitive to the preciousness of human life. Or maybe it is because more details and footage come out every year chronicling more of the horror that transpired 22 years ago. Or maybe it isn’t the new stuff as much as the images ingrained in our minds since we watched it live in 2001.
The video of the person jumping out a World Trade Center window haunts me year-round.
But no matter how much harder it becomes, I still have to mark 9/11 in some way. Last night I watched a documentary about a search and rescue effort. An ex-paramedic teamed up with a U.S. Marine to save a police officer trapped in the World Trade Center rubble. It was an extremely emotional tale of two men who didn’t know each other risking their lives to save a stranger. That police officer was only one of 18 people rescued from the rubble of the WTC.

While U.S. Marine Jason Thomas was in a hole saving a police officer from the World Trade Center rubble, he had this photo taken of himself with a disposable camera so his family would know what he was doing during his last hour if he didn’t survive.
Before I watched the program last night, I had my first ever conversation about September 11 with my daughter. During our nighttime routine, I prayed for the souls of the 9/11 victims and their families. Of course Sloan had questions. I explained on a very basic and first grade-level what happened. After she took it all in, she spoke up.
“I wish only the bad people who took the plane died and not all the good people.”
Me too, Sloan.
It happened 22 years ago but let’s take time to remember 9/11 today. If you have the chance to educate someone about the attacks who wasn’t alive in 2001, don’t hesitate to do so. Don’t Blink.
Past 9/11 Blog Posts
Putting Faces to the Victims (2021)
Never Forget, Always Educate (2019)
Putting Hurricane Florence in Perspective (2018)
What Touched Me on This 9/11 (2017)
Standing With Unity (2016)
10 Years Later (2011)