The tradition started the first day of Sloan’s life. I had worn a green polo to the hospital on that St. Patrick’s Day and once Sloan was born a photo was taken of one very proud daddy holding her. For five straight St. Patty’s Days after that, including the one last week, I have put on that same green polo and snapped a picture in a similar pose with Sloan. Tonight I am going to show you each one.
Here is the one that started it all. On March 17, 2017, I was a brand new dad and had the beaming smile to prove it…

After this picture was snapped a tradition was born.
This photo from St. Patrick’s Day 2018 was taken at my in-laws’ house with a sweet little lap baby…

By the time this photo was taken, Sloan had already developed her sweet smile.
In 2019, we posed in our Myrtle Beach house. Sloan was starting to grow some of her first curls but she was still small enough to fit on just one leg…

Sloan turned 2 the day this photo was taken.
Full disclosure, this next photo was not taken on St. Patrick’s Day. Instead, it was taken about a week prior. I was sadly not with Sloan on her 3rd birthday because I had left for Washington to start my new job (Sid, Sloan, and Beau would join me a couple months later) but I wasn’t going to let the tradition die. The photo was once again taken at my in-laws’ house and Sloan snuck some cucumbers into the frame…

This photo was actually take about a week prior to St. Patty’s Day because of life events.
On March 17, 2021, we celebrated Sloan’s birthday in Spokane for the first time. With her curls flowing, I had to hold her tight as she was a bit squirmish…

It took some effort to get Sloan to stay still during this photo taken on March 17, 2021.
Last Thursday Sloan and I posed for our latest photo of this tradition. My daughter is growing up before my eyes and I am getting old…

Our tradition is still going strong as we remembered to pose for this photo on March 17, 2022.
To keep this tradition going I need to take good care of that polo and probably even better care of Sloan so that she will continue to participate in my ridiculous tradition. I know it sounds stupid but doing this picture each year means a lot to me. Don’t Blink.