Lately I have been shocked and troubled by some of the recent mass casualty events in our country. The Waukesha parade crash, the Astroworld concert disaster, and the Michigan school shooting are all tragedies that are top of mind for me.
These events are so tough to digest in part because of their savagery. Pummeled by a vehicle? Crushed by fellow concertgoers? Shot to death? What awful ways for a life to end. It is hard to imagine.
The innocence and youth of the victims also weigh heavy. Many of these people had the best years of their lives yet to come only to have them robbed in such a sickening manner. Or, at the other extreme, some of these people, like the Dancing Grannies, led good, long lives that had no business being ended in such a violent manner.
Finally, the randomness is flat out disturbing. Watching a parade, going to a concert, or simply attending school should not be criteria to die. Although I can’t say for certain, I am sure that the individuals who lost their lives never thought it would be possible that they wouldn’t return home.
There is no kind way to put it. These events leave us appalled. Or perhaps I should just speak for myself. They leave me feeling appalled…and guilty. Why must these people suffer such cruel, random fates?
Well, one answer is that the perpetrators of these atrocities have free will. Also, there has never been a blanket guarantee that random freak catastrophes, like Astroworld or natural disaster, won’t occur. Bottom line, bad things happen. Sometimes we might feel hopeless but we can always pray; pray for God’s will to be done. We can also pray for the souls who have lost their lives and the families they have left behind. Finally, we can be thankful that we have not been tested in the strenuous ways that the victims in these recent examples have.

Never let anyone tell you that prayer is meaningless. Pray for the victims of these tragedies.
As December begins, let’s remember those who have recently passed away and won’t be spending the holidays with their families. At the same time, let’s be appreciative of the precious gift of life that those of us reading this still have. Don’t link.