Oh July, you are slipping away. But you are certainly going out with a bang! The mercury slid past 100 degrees today and it will do the same tomorrow. Before we melt, let’s get started with my latest Thursday Rundown…
Day Worth Celebrating – Today is National Father-In-Law Day and I would be remiss if I didn’t recognize my rock star FIL––Mr. Sid Mathis. This guy has always treated me so well and taught me a lot about being patient and a team player. Needless to say, I miss him now that we are on different ends of the country!

I have a lot of respect for this guy.
VIP – Did you even have a childhood if your kindergarten class (and possibly your first grade and second grade classes) didn’t have a Very Important Person program? Man, those were the days. You sat in a special chair, showed off some of your favorite toys, and got to stand at the front of the line. This photo was my kindergarten VIP picture and it hung proudly front and center in the classroom during my reign as the most important kid in Mrs. Spangenburg’s class.

I felt like a king as VIP.
Got Chips? – Lays recently released its latest line of fun and intriguing chip flavors. This year, the company is highlighting “Flavor Icons,” which consists of signature flavors from different U.S. geographical locations. For example, you have New York Style Pizza, Philly Cheesesteak, and Nashville Chicken. I want to try them all but I can’t promise a review, which is sad, because it used to be my favorite thing to do on this blog. At the very least, I will attempt to try at least a few of them and review each one in various Thursday Rundowns.
Tomato Progression – Sloan helped my dad plant his tomatoes and he suggested I take photos of her as it grew. These photos were taken 3-4 week apart. Hopefully by the next time I get out to my parents’ and snap another picture the plant will be bearing vegetables.

I promise the two pictures on the right were taken on different days (just look at the tomato plant) but it was a coincidence that she wore the same outfit.
Golden Parental Advice – Besides parenting in a way that improves your child’s chances of going to Heaven, I don’t think there is better advice than what was stated in today’s Life’s Little Instruction. I think it is beautiful. To lead a life in a way that will have such a positive impact on your children that you come to mind when they think of those attributes is something all parents aspire to. I know I think of my mom and dad when it comes to qualities such as fairness and integrity and I hope Sloan and Beau will one day think the same of me.

As dads and moms, let’s all aspire to one day be the image of these qualities for our children.
The good thing about triple digit days in the northwest is that you actually get some relief once the sun starts to go down. I am heading outside to our back porch for some relaxation. Have a nice weekend. Don’t Blink.
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