I awoke this morning to brilliant sunshine piercing through my bedroom window and filling the area with radiant light. From the moment I opened my eyes, it was an instant reminder that Easter was here along with the glorious promise that this day brings. After weeks of darkness, it was the best sign that I could have asked for.

Today is a glorious day.
We will soon not forget the Lenten season of 2020. We were tested like never before as COVID-19 swept in and dramatically altered our lives, both in a general and spiritual sense. Although our preparation for today’s most holy feast was stunted in the respect that we couldn’t gather in churches to walk with Jesus through the desert, we still had every opportunity to make that journey in the solitude of our own homes. By choosing the latter, perhaps we drew closer than ever before.
Besides the challenges of Lent 2020, I will also fondly remember the gloriousness of it. Just a couple days after Ash Wednesday, Sidney was welcomed into the Church and Beau was baptized. Normally, candidates for initiation into the Church are confirmed at the Easter Vigil. However, because of our situation with moving across the country, Father Roger Morgan graciously allowed our family to receive these sacraments at the end of February, a couple weeks before the Coronavirus entered the picture. If not for Fr. Morgan’s kind exception, we wouldn’t know when Sid would be in full communion with the Church nor when Beau would be baptized.

What a special day that February 27 was.
Speaking of Father Morgan, he was fond of saying that today is not the end of Lent but rather the beginning of Easter. For the next 50 days we have the opportunity to celebrate the salvation we have all been given by virtue of Christ’s death and resurrection. With the Covid backdrop still very much present, the good news of Easter should help keep our earthly challenges in perspective.
This is my favorite holiday and I miss my family greatly. However, just like the disciples weren’t separated from Jesus for long, the distance that exists between my wife and kids in relation to myself will soon be bridged.
Happy Easter everyone. He is risen, truly he is risen. Don’t Blink.
Thank you Brent for sharing such a grounded response to Lent in spite of the greater challenges brought on to all of us. Easter is the real reason for our faith. Thank you for allowing us to share in it with your family.
Thank you for reading, Tim! Happy Easter!!