Can you believe that in a week Christmas Day will have passed? Don’t fret, that just means the true Christmas season, lasting 12 days, has only started! Speaking of getting things started, let’s begin this Thursday Rundown…
An Elf on the Shelf – Over the weekend, Sloan was assigned an elf named Sallie. My in-laws filled out the proper paperwork so that Sallie can keep an eye on Sloan over the next several days leading up to Christmas. Our daughter is in love with her elf and has ecstatically looked for her each morning, instructing me to take a photo of Sallie once found. It is pretty cute!

We are responsible for Sallie, an “Elf on the Shelf.” The photo of Sloan pointing at the elf was taken from a video so please excuse the blurriness.
Thoughtful and Creative Gift – He did it again! Scott Dean, one of our photographers, gave me a homemade cookie mix to bake at our house. I shared this nifty gift idea last year but I did not have the foresight to take a photo of the container it came in before it was too late. Not this year. The mix comes in a glass jar with handwritten baking instructions from one of Scott’s children. This was a HUGE hit last year and we can’t wait to bake them again. Thanks, Scott.

This is such an awesome Christmas gift!
Another Story from Commencement – Believe it or not, Ron Daise (“Mr. Ron” from Gullah Gullah Island) didn’t steal the show at CCU’s commencement on Tuesday. Instead, that honor went to Doris Glass, an 89-year-old interdisciplinary studies major who returned to college to earn her degree. When her name was called, she used her cane to proudly walk across the stage and give President DeCenzo a hug. While she did this, the entire HTC Center stood up to give Doris a well-deserved standing ovation. If you want to know more about this special lady, read this great article from the Horry County Independent.

Doris Glass stole the show at the Fall 2019 commencement.
The Masked Singer – Over Thanksgiving weekend, Sidney and I started watching “The Masked Singer.” We caught most of the episodes leading up to last night’s finale. The show annoys me in many ways but, I have to admit, when the time comes to unveil who a contestant is I get pretty excited. Sidney was awesome at guessing who the singers were while I was usually clueless. Chris Daughtry (the rottweiler) was runner up to this season’s champion, Wayne Brady (the fox).

Wayne Brady, who was dressed in the fox costume, won the second season of The Masked Singer.
Decade of Pop – If you think you can handle it, I challenge you to listen to this mashup of songs from the past decade. DJ Earworm annually puts out a mashup of songs from the past year that is always highly anticipated, but this decade track is something else! In under three minutes, prepare for a bombardment of 100 hits from the past 10 years. Get ready for some memories!

If you listened to Top 40 at all over the past decade, you might want to listen to DJ Earworm’s “Decade of Pop.”
I know this upcoming weekend will be busy for many. Try not to stress and always remember the reason for the season. As always, thanks for your readership. Don’t Blink.