Well, I have officially worked my last day of the year (I always love saying that)! I am “on break” until January 2 and I can’t wait to spend the time with my wife and daughter. As we settle in on this Christmas Eve Eve, the next week will be a little different this year.
Instead of traveling out west to spend a few days with my family, we will be spending the entire holiday season with Sid’s family here in Myrtle Beach. Not that airport crowds or rising airfare tickets are keeping us away; the main reason we are staying put is that flying across the nation when someone in your family is 30 weeks pregnant is usually frowned upon.
Although Sloan will miss seeing her papa, grandma, and West Coast aunts/uncles/cousins, we can’t really complain about our situation. We will have more than a week to just chill with each other and spend time with Sid’s family. Because we aren’t traveling, some of the holiday stress will be lessened this year, paving the way for an optimized relaxation period.
We don’t have big plans for the next several days. We will spend Christmas Eve at St. Andrew and Christmas Day with Sid’s family. We will then enjoy couch time and laziness. I want to get Sloan out of the house a couple times for fun daddy-daughter dates and I hope to watch plenty of college football. I am sure that Sidney will find a Netflix series for us to watch.
My blogging activity should be pretty low key for the rest of the year but I can promise my two “big” annual blog posts at the very end of December –– my top 10 blog posts of 2019 and my yearly reflection. Stay tuned for those.
Thanks to Coastal Carolina University for this extended time off, it is very much appreciated. I wish everyone a happy holiday season! Don’t Blink.
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