Good evening, friends. I hope your first full week in March has gone great. It is that day of the week when I like to write about five random topics. Let’s get started with my latest Thursday Rundown…
Words Ring True – I listen to a Catholic podcast that is excellent. This morning while driving to work the topic was fatherhood. One of the clergy members said this: Children listen to their mothers but watch their fathers. Although Sid might disagree to an extent on the listening observation, I found the sentiment beautiful and telling. It is a great reminder to us dads to always conduct ourselves with integrity and love. Actions speak louder than words and our kids always have a watchful eye.

I need to realize that Sloan is going to be watching me hard.
Wife is Right…Again – I like to think that our marriage is successful because we agree on major topics…you know…politics, societal issues, religion, etc. But, there is one point of contention that has been driving a wedge between us – toilet paper! No, I am not talking about the fact that Sid likes premium and I can live with the cheap stuff; I am talking about how you position a roll. Sidney sets toilet paper so it hangs over and I position it so it hangs under. This week, an article was released that set the score. Over 125 years ago, a patent was issued for a toilet paper holder that clearly stated it was intended to hold the product so that you would pull from the top. I stand corrected!

Here is the patent that illustrates how the toilet paper should be placed.
Alex Trebek – I write so much about Jeopardy in my blog that I know people get sick of it. However, I would be remiss if I didn’t address Alex Trebek’s announcement yesterday that he has stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Using his famous wit, he stated that while the diagnosis is bleak, he has no choice but to beat it because his Jeopardy contract still runs another three years. Although it says a lot about Trebek that he can joke about it, I have to admit that I am sad. When you welcome someone into your living room every weeknight for many years, you become a little attached. I respect Trebek and feel bad for his family. I am rooting and praying for him to defy the odds!

I hope Trebek beats cancer.
To the Dance – Seven years ago on this date, the University of Montana men’s basketball team punched a ticket to the NCAA tournament. Because the Griz won the regular season Big Sky Conference championship, we hosted the conference tournament in Missoula. What a fun several days! As part of our athletic department’s marketing team, I worked every game of the tournament. It all climaxed with a wild championship game against Weber State. The Griz would claim victory and I would accompany the team to the first round of the Big Dance in Albuquerque. The best part? Wearing that sweet sweater vest!

In this photo with my boss, Christie, I am wearing the outfit (that included a sweater vest) that was provided to the table crew. I never felt more like a stud in my life.
National Cereal Day – Today is National Cereal Day and I am sure most of you won’t be surprised to learn that I have written extensively about cereal in the past. In fact, I have written a blog post about my three favorite healthy cereals of all-time and my three favorite unhealthy cereals of all-time. Because I am feeling nice tonight, I won’t make you follow those links, I will just tell you straight up what my favorites are. In the healthy category, I like Sun Belt Granola, Honey Bunches of Oats, and Cracklin’ Oat Bran. For my three sugary cereals, my favorites are Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Reeses Puffs, and Rice Krispie Treats. Nothing like straight candy for breakfast, right?

I once had Sid sample Fruity Pebbles and a generic version of the cereal.
Sloan has 10 days left as a 1-year-old so we got to make them count, starting with this weekend! I will check in again next week. Don’t Blink.