Is it really near the end of the week already? Well, the calendar doesn’t lie and it looks like we have arrived at another Friday Eve. Let’s get things rolling with the latest Thursday Rundown…
St. Pope John Paul II – Earlier this week, the feast day of St. Pope John Paul II was held. For billions of Catholics, especially those under the age of 40, John Paul has a special place in our hearts. Elected to the Papacy in 1978, he served as the head of the Christian church until his death in 2005. Thus, many of us looked up to Pope John Paul as our leader from the time we were born well into our adult lives. John Paul was a holy man who was a living example of how Christ wants us to live. Although I fondly look back on all the incredible things he did for the world, what I most remember is how people reacted when they were in his presence, especially the young.

Pope John Paul II lived the life of a saint.
Yay! Dad in Town – My dad flew into Myrtle Beach late this morning for what has become his annual October visit (two years running). It has been 100 days since he saw Sloan and she has changed a lot! What hasn’t changed though is their love for each other. Those two seemed to pick up right where they left off. My dad will be in town through the weekend and we hope to just relax, watch some football/baseball, drink a couple beverages, and enjoy some Halloween festivities. It sure is good to have him in town.

Today. Sloan and Papa picked up right where they left off.
Hammock – I talked a lot about the birthday gift my mom gave me, but how about the birthday gift that Sidney got me? She totally surprised me with a hammock! It is now set up in our backyard and it is the place to be. Sloan enjoys rocking with us and it is pretty easy to get on and off. This weekend looks to be a little wet so we might not get on it as much as we would like but it sure got good use last weekend.

Some shots of us enjoying our hammock.
Cute Moment at Church – On Monday, the three of us attended a social function at St. Andrew. The Knights of Columbus (of which I have been a member since July) staged a chicken cordon bleu fundraiser dinner. We had a fantastic time eating and visiting with fellow parishioners, Sloan included. In the middle of Sidney and I eating our meal, Sloan got up and ran right over to a random woman at another table who we didn’t know. Not skipping a beat, this gentle woman scooped Sloan right up and held her in her lap for a few minutes. I couldn’t help but take a photo of the duo.

This was the nice lady who Sloan introduced herself to on Monday.
Mega Millions Perspective – I saw numerous hilarious memes regarding the Mega Millions jackpot. However, it was this public service announcement tweet that really stood out to me. I don’t need to say much more about it because it speaks for itself. As someone who does text and drive every now and then (never with Sloan in the car), it is a good reminder to stop.

This tweet from the East Lansing Police makes a good point.
I am ready to enjoy the weekend with my wife, daughter, and dad. If you hitting up the Halloween party circuit this weekend make sure to have fun but be safe! Don’t Blink