“I am prepared, but I am not ready.”
These were the words my wife uttered last night when I asked her for her thoughts on returning to school. After a nice summer, Sidney officially kicked off her fifth year of teaching today. She returns as a 2nd grade teacher at Palmetto Bays Elementary.

Before Sidney went off to school today, I took this photo of her. She started her fifth year as a teacher this morning.
Sid clarified for me what she meant but I got it. She had put in seven days of meetings, lesson plan prep, and trainings. Before last week, she had already spent time in her classroom getting it ready. This past Monday night, she held an open house for her new students and their parents. For all intents and purposes, she walked into Palmetto Bays this morning fully prepared to teach 23 kids.

This is my favorite classroom photo of Sidney…or should I say Mrs. Reser?
Mentally ready to begin another year is a different story. Although I am positive she was 100% focused when the bell rang this morning, last night she was still holding on to the small amount of summer she had left. How can you blame her? When you are on the eve of a new 180 day grind, it takes a special educator to be over-the-top psyched to begin the long journey.
But ready or not, the 2018-19 school year kicked off today. With its start, a fresh group of youngsters started a 9-month-run with a special teacher who will teach, motivate, and care for them. Little do those students know how lucky they are to be placed in Mrs. Reser’s classroom.

I took this photo of Sid after she returned home tonight from her first day at school. She survived!!
Well, a few of them do.
Sidney is now a veteran teacher and she has had a positive impact on many kids in her 5 year career. Because of this, parents who had children in Sid’s previous classes are requesting her for their younger children who are now 2nd graders. What a compliment.

Our little family sure loves our teacher wife/mom!
I am proud of my wife. As I become a “teacher’s spouse” once again, I am excited to be there to support Sid and watch her continue to shape the minds of the youth of Horry County’s. She has a tough job and she does it so well. Don’t Blink.
with parents like you and sidney your children have a awful good start in life