Thank you for visiting Don’t Blink. Whether you are a loyal reader or a first time browser, I appreciate you taking time to check out this blog. It is Thursday and that means I quickly write about five random topics. Here we go with the latest Thursday Rundown…
Chinese Dinner – One reason I am such a lucky guy is because my wife is an incredible cook. Last night, she outdid herself. Sidney made a Chinese dinner from scratch (except for the potstickers). She prepared orange chicken and made delicious chow mein. Not only was it delicious, but it was spontaneous too. I wish you all could have experienced how good our house smelled as she was cooking. Fortunate for me, I got to eat leftovers for lunch this afternoon.

Sidney made a delicious Chinese dinner last night.
A Weekend In Charlotte – This Saturday, Sidney and I will travel to Charlotte. We are going simply to relax and enjoy some time together. We will stay the night and return on Sunday. Sid and I usually get the opportunity once every two months to go out on a date but this time we get to extend it into a mini weekend. Our plans include eating at the Cheesecake Factory, watching a movie at the nearby theater, and shopping at the mall that is within walking distance of our hotel. We have looked forward to this since the beginning of January! Thanks to my in-laws for watching Sloan and thanks to my parents for giving us a one-night stay at the Marriott South Park as part of our Christmas gift!

Sidney eating at the Cheesecake Factory in Charlotte in Nov. 2016. We can’t wait to go back!
Military Parade – A hot button issue the past couple days is President Trump’s idea to have a military parade through the streets of Washington D.C. Now, I surely don’t agree with every thought our president expresses, but when it comes to this, I respond with this question: Why not?! I think it could be a wonderful new tradition. How can we go wrong honoring our military? I think the visual would be terrific and it would be something positive. I believe this can be something that would be both a powerful and moving display. With the parade, the possibilities are endless for recognizing the men and women in our armed forces. I am excited to see what the Trump Administration comes up with.
Sloan at 47 Weeks – It has been so nice having a healthy Sloan this week. She has been all smiles the past several days and super sweet. On Tuesday night she was climbing the stairs. She can easily stand up if she is holding onto something and we are trying to get her to pull herself up on her own. She can imitate noises that mommy and daddy make while simply laughing hysterically at other ones.

This is Sloan’s 47-week photo collage.
Chocolate Pancakes – What happens when you combine pancakes and chocolate? Only the best thing ever. This particular dish below caused me to hit the retweet button on my favorite @itsfoodporn Twitter account last night. Probably around 3,000 calories, and that is my legitimate/honest guess, this plate would be extremely rich but also extremely good. What do you think?

These look absolutely incredible. i have never seen anything like them before.
I am excited for the weekend and a trip to Charlotte! Most likely no Sunday blog post but I will catch back up with you all on Monday. Enjoy the Winter Olympics. Don’t Blink.
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