I have just a very short reflection to share for tonight’s blog post.
Last night, my wife and sister-in-law both quoted an expression that made a lot of sense: The days are long but the years are short.
Both Sid and Courtney used the phrase in context with raising children and I could relate. Sloan is the best baby ever. However, sometimes she will wake multiple times during the night, fuss throughout the day, need us to hold her constantly, and give us reason to bathe her more than once in the span of just a couple hours. These days can sometimes feel long.

Don’t Blink, because the years will go faster than we all anticipate.
However, with almost 8 months already in the book, I know that come March her first year will have seemed like it flew by. I know the days after she turns 1 will have their challenges as well and at points seem to drag. But, just like the initial year, the second year will be over before we know it as well. The process will just continue to repeat itself. Some days will go slow, but the years will go way too fast.
You don’t need to have children to sympathize with the expression. I think any human can relate. We all battle through tough days that seem to never end, but somehow they are put into perspective by how fast the earth moves around the sun.
Don’t let life trick you. Try to savor every moment of the good days, bad days, tough days, joyous days, neutral days, and the loooong days. In the end, they all add up to make short years. Don’t Blink.