Yesterday was a special day for Sidney. She had a baby shower thrown in her honor. As someone who has desperately wanted to be a mom her entire life, this was a moment that she had always looked forward to. The coveted baby shower is a major step toward impending motherhood and Sid got to experience it on Sunday. It didn’t disappoint.
For her special party, Sidney spent a lot of time doing her hair, putting on makeup, and picking out that perfect maternity outfit. When she came out of our room, she looked absolutely beautiful (I love it when she curls her hair)! I took Sid to her older sister’s house, the location of the party. When I arrived, Sidney’s two sisters and mom were hard at work getting everything ready. With the event set to begin in an hour, I told Sid to have fun and I left for the movie theater.

Sidney looked so beautiful for her bridal shower. I took this photo before I took off for the movie theater.
While the girls enjoyed themselves, I went and saw “Lion.” By the time the movie was out, Sid texted me to invite me back over to Steph’s house to check out the “loot” she received and to of course eat some of the leftover food.
I returned to the house a little after 4 p.m. When I arrived, it was the same people who I had left there at 1 p.m. (Sid, her sisters, her mom, and brother-in-law). However, within those short three hours around 20 additional women had come through the house, showered Sidney with gifts, and celebrated the upcoming birth of our daughter.

A look at some of the women who lined Steph’s living room and kitchen for Sidney’s bridal shower (photo courtesy of Rhonda Shelley)
However, you would not have known about the tornado of activity, fun, and laughter if it wasn’t for the area in the living room that was overran with gifts. Sidney was not kidding, she had made out with some serious “loot.” While I pigged out on wraps, chicken, and brownies, Sid took me on a tour through our new baby items, a tour that lasted long enough for me to go up to the food table three different times.
After seeing all of the stuff, a lot of it I had no idea how to use, I felt a little overwhelmed. But I wasn’t alone. Even Sidney admitted feeling a bit of anxiety over the haul. But the pressure she felt wasn’t from fear of looking like an idiot when using the gifts, it was from the standpoint of realizing that we still have a lot to do before the baby comes.

A look at some of the baby shower gifts we received. We took it all up to the nursery.
But the last thing I want to do is sound like I am complaining because that is completely not the case. We can’t describe how thankful we are for the outpouring of warmth and generosity. Not only did we get incredible and useful items but Sidney also got a whole bunch of love from the women who attended. It just doesn’t mean a lot to her, it also means a lot to me.
We packed up the car and drove to our house. We unloaded all of the gifts and took them upstairs to the nursery. Later that night we FaceTimed my mom and showed her everything we got. By the end of it, we were tired! We were going to do the same thing for my sister but we told her she would have to wait until the next day.
The stars of yesterday were definitely my mother-in-law and sisters-in-law. They put in so much work to pull that baby shower off. Everything from invitations to decorations to the organization to the food (especially the FOOD!) was top notch. It makes my heart warm how much love and consideration they show toward Sidney. They truly go all out to make their daughter/sister feel special. It surely makes Sid and I want to pay it forward! Don’t Blink.