Tonight is the blog post where I ask my readers for honest, decent advice. Each day I have a certain item at lunch. No, no, no I am not talking about my peanut butter sandwich. The second most important item in my lunch is my daily banana. When I went on a diet for my wedding I started eating them each day as a compliment to my peanut butter sandwich. Although the big day has passed and about a third of the weight lost has returned, I am still eating a banana at noon every Monday-Friday.
Although I love bananas, I had two big dilemmas when it came to caring for them. Luckily, one was recently solved.
I had no idea the brief amount of time it took for bananas to become too ripe. I quickly learned that even if I bought green bananas on Sunday they would be more black than yellow on Friday. Thanks to my mother-in-law, she gave me a special plastic bag that is supposed to keep my bananas in good shape, or, as she said, “Looking pretty.” Not only will it keep my daily fruit from losing its optimal taste, it will also allow our fruit bowl to look more presentable for a longer period of time.
My second problem is yet to be solved. I transport my lunch in my gym bag. In the morning I throw my banana in the bag, drive to campus, get my workout in, and go to the office. When I arrive at my desk, I take out the banana and put it on my desk to protect it. However, by then, my banana is often bruised or lightly smashed. This takes a lot of the joy away from eating it at lunch as I have to throw the damaged portion (s) away. Please note that when I am carrying around my gym bag I am mindful of the delicate fruit inside so it is not like I am acting careless.
Can you give me advice for securing my banana? Give me your best Pinterest-inspired tips and tricks. Whatever you tell me, please just make sure it will still allow for me to carry it in my gym bag (this would be way too easy if you just told me to carry it in my hand). I appreciate your consideration in this matter. Don’t Blink.