Just imagine, If my blog remained down past Tuesday, I would have missed a Thursday Rundown. Thank goodness that is not the case. Here we go with five topics…
Dinner Mistake – I did the shopping this past weekend and Sidney told me to pick something up for her to cook on Tuesday dinner. For some reason sausages sounded good to me. I figured Sidney would be fine with sausages too. Well, she would have…just not chicken and apple sausages. To me, the combination sounded great! I bought high quality buns and looked forward to eating the unique combination. However, “unique” doesn’t always translate to appetizing. Sidney humored me and let me eat my chicken and apple sausages but my wife and her parents bought regular sausages and ate those instead.

This was my chicken and apple sausage I ate on Tuesday night. It was pretty good!
Nightmare On Laurel Oak Ct. – I usually don’t have nightmares but I did on Tuesday night (I promise it wasn’t because of the chicken and apple sausages). After dinner I sat down for some television. I watched the newly released and well done “9/11 Inside the Pentagon” documentary. I then watched a program on Chris Kyle that contained lots of killing and lots of scenes from Iraq. I then watched another documentary that looked at conspiracy theories surrounding the death of Adolf Hitler. When I went to sleep I didn’t even think I had set myself up for bad dreams…but then I woke up in the middle of the night. Not to get into the details of the nightmare that I had throughout the night but I kept finding myself attacked outside of a shopping center.
9/11 Vigil – Speaking of September 11, I just attended the vigil our university puts on each year to mark the anniversary. Although I work it, I also get a lot out of it. September 11 is a big deal to me and 15 years later I still try to learn all the information I can about the day while also trying my best to think about all those innocent people who lost their lives. This was my third CCU vigil that I have attended and it was terrific as always. The music was superb and the featured speaker delivered the best address I have heard yet. Dr. Michael Roberts is our Dean of Science here at Coastal and it just so happened that in 2001 he was working at Pace University (New York City). He literally saw the Twin Towers fall. The insight he shared from the day was very interesting and his overall message was moving.
Cheesy Lasagna Dip – The latest food item that has caught my eye off of my favorite Twitter account is cheesy lasagna dip. I mean who ever thought you could combine lasagna with chips?! Talk about creativity! I am already working on Sidney to make it for me. Hopefully bringing home the chicken and apple sausages didn’t ruin my chances.

This was the photo of cheesy lasagna dip that was tweeted out. I want! (photo courtesy of @ItsFoodPorn).
From the Archives – I have a few blog posts on September 8 over the years. In 2015 I wrote about the incredible Labor Day weekend I had with my brother in Myrtle Beach. It was his first trip to visit me here and we had so much fun. In 2014 I wrote about how a co-worker kicked a smoking habit via an interesting method. Then, in 2013, I explained a pretty cool Instagram promotion I did with Griz football when I was working at the University of Montana. Any of those of interest to you?

One year ago today I wrote about the great time I had with Glen when he visited me in Myrtle Beach.
That will wrap it up for tonight’s Thursday Rundown. Welcome back to the NFL! Good luck to the favorite teams of all my readers. Don’t Blink.