I love it when the academic year starts! If you read my blog post last night you already know that. However, after working the first day of the 2015 Coastal Carolina University fall semester it just reinforces my passion even more. I guess what makes my job so much fun, especially during the school year, is that no day is the same. Let me just take a few examples from today to illustrate.
Last week I made arrangements to get access to an area of campus that most people don’t ever venture out on. Our business building has an outdoor balcony located outside of the structure’s big boardroom that is seldom used. A super nice employee of the College of Business opened the glass doors for me and let me go out on it. I then climbed over the balcony and stood on the lower roof of the building. Although I say lower roof, it is still many feet up. For someone who isn’t that crazy about heights, standing right on the ledge was a little bit nerve-wracking. But the view was awesome and I was able to take some cool photos and video. Later in the day a student who happened to look just at the right time all the way from Prince Lawn and spot me up high on the roof mentioned how bizarre it looked to see me hopping over the balcony.
Another not-so-ordinary event occurred mid-morning when it turned into a very memorable day for a couple of Coastal Carolina alumni. A 2013 grad proposed to a fellow 2013 grad on our campus. Because Bruce Turman and his at-the-time girlfriend Erin Dooley had so many positive experiences while at Coastal, he set up a scavenger hunt for her on campus. Erin was sent all around to different significant spots on our grounds before ending her odyssey at Wheelwright Auditorium. When Erin entered the venue and went up to the stage where Bruce was waiting, I was hiding in the balcony with a co-worker from the Office of Alumni capturing the special moment. You definitely don’t take part in documenting a proposal on a frequent basis. The images proved to be a big hit on social media (oh yeah, she said yes).
Although in my job I get to interact with students on a daily basis, I never know exactly who all I am going to talk with and cover. Today I had the opportunity to visit with students I met last year and students I met for the first time today. With the academic year now here, it also means that I get to work with our student-workers more. I went out with our video intern as we strolled around campus chasing a couple of stories. To be able to interact once again with students felt good. You just never know who will brighten your day.

Adrianna is a student who I got to feature today for a social media campaign I debuted today. In the future I will explain more about this specific initiative.
Yes, work is more intense now but I know most staff members here at Coastal wouldn’t trade it. This is when the fun starts. I can’t wait to see what tomorrow will bring. Don’t Blink.