Last Rundown of the Year

The moment before I started to write this it popped into my head that this will be my final Thursday Rundown of 2014. While I can say for sure it will be my last, I can’t say for sure it will be my best. Let’s get this thing started.

My Social Media Awards – On Monday morning I met with my social media group for the final meeting of the semester. I got to surprise them by making a dramatic entrance dressed in a red suit and fake beard. Besides wrapping up the semester from a social media standpoint, I also handed out awards. Congrats to the following #CCUSocialMedia Dream Team members on their accomplishments: April Betsch (Most Inspirational), Travis Overton (Twitter User of the Year), Erika Pomerantz (Team Player of the Year), Jennifer Sellers (Social Media Promotion of the Year), and Jeff Stone (MVP).

I enjoyed presenting some awards on Monday morning,

I enjoyed presenting some awards on Monday morning,

Party Circuit – It is that time of the year where holiday parties are in full swing. Last Friday I had the pleasure of hanging out with a bunch of teachers at the Palmetto Bays’ Christmas party. Sidney was nice enough to take me as her date for the function. Yesterday we had our department holiday potluck up in the hospitality suite of the football stadium. It was a food-overload as I gorged on delicious entrees and desserts. As I wrote about in my previous blog post, yesterday evening my apartment complex hosted their Resident Holiday Party at Texas Roadhouse. This evening I get to enjoy the holiday party I have anticipated the most, Festivus 2014. The brainchild of our graphics department, this is the gathering that pokes fun at all other Christmas parties. The main event will be an ugly t-shirt exchange. It will no dubt be epic and I will make sure to share with you the hilarity that will take place in a future post.

Travel Plans – I leave the great state of South Carolina for the rest of the year on Sunday. I will be flying back to Spokane for the holidays. I will make sure to unpack my bags when I arrive at my parents’ house because I have a long two-week stay ahead of me. I am stoked for every minute I will get to spend out west and of course I am eagerly awaiting the chance to see my niece again. Something else will be making this holiday vacation especially memorable but I will address that a little bit down the road.

“The Interview” Pulled – I think my opinion aligns with what most people think. I totally understand (and support) movie theaters deciding not to show it, I agree with Sony responding by not releasing it, and I hate it that this is a big win for terrorists. I sympathize with the actors and crew over the decision. I know they received their paychecks but their hard work is going for naught. Their toil and talents will go unseen by the audience who they worked so hard to please. To me, that is a shame.

A Southern Christmas Card – To close out this post, I want to share a Christmas card I received today. My co-worker Mona gave the card to me and it is titled “A Southern Christmas.” For a guy who has loved getting accustomed to Southern culture over the past eight months, this card made me smile:

The cool Christmas card I received today.

The cool Christmas card I received today.


That is a wrap! I got a Christmas party to get to. I hope you enjoyed the ever so random Thursday Rundowns. Just one week before Christmas! I hope you are all getting into the spirit. Don’t Blink.

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