The chimes rang at Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane, Washington, at 3 p.m. PT this past Friday. Whenever a baby is born at that hospital the beautiful sound can be heard filling the hallways of the newborn unit. On this particular afternoon the chimes were in honor of Mikayla Joy Koutecky, my first ever niece.
My sister, Miranda, gave birth to Mikayla via C-Section, presenting my parents with their first grandchild. The procedure, much like the whole pregnancy, went smoothly. At six pounds, nine ounces, the bundle of “Joy” is a healthy and happy baby. She has dark hair and blue eyes.
Just a couple weeks before I moved out east, I had the opportunity to watch as my sister surprised my parents with news of her pregnancy. Although not there for the months that followed and the birth itself, I did follow along by way of Skype, picture messaging, and phone calls. After work on Friday I hustled home and sat on my couch while I awaited word. Right around 6 p.m. eastern time my mom texted me to tell me that she heard chimes. About 45 minutes after that text I received the first photo of Mikayla.
My family is ecstatic about the new addition. Although I will have to wait two and a half more months until I meet my niece in person, I have received plenty of photos to make me feel not so far away. Earlier this week I even sent my sister a Coastal Carolina University dress for Mikayla. It is designed for babies 3-6 months, so maybe when I arrive for Thanksgiving she will just be able to slip into it.
Congratulations to Miranda and her husband, Jay. Also, congratulations to my parents, who will undoubtedly make the best grandparents ever. Welcome to the world, Mikayla Joy!! I look forward to meeting you. Don’t Blink.
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